PMID- 11528574 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20011204 LR - 20220317 IS - 1058-4838 (Print) IS - 1058-4838 (Linking) VI - 33 IP - 7 DP - 2001 Oct 1 TI - Atovaquone-proguanil versus mefloquine for malaria prophylaxis in nonimmune travelers: results from a randomized, double-blind study. PG - 1015-21 AB - Concerns about the tolerability of mefloquine highlight the need for new drugs to prevent malaria. Atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone; GlaxoSmithKline) was safe and effective for prevention of falciparum malaria in lifelong residents of malaria-endemic countries, but experience in nonimmune people is limited. In a randomized, double-blind study, nonimmune travelers received malaria prophylaxis with atovaquone-proguanil (493 subjects) or mefloquine (483 subjects). Information about adverse events (AEs) and potential episodes of malaria was obtained 7, 28, and 60 days after travel. AEs were reported by an equivalent proportion of subjects who had received atovaquone-proguanil or mefloquine (71.4% versus 67.3%; difference, 4.1%; 95% confidence interval, -1.71 to 9.9). Subjects who received atovaquone-proguanil had fewer treatment-related neuropsychiatric AEs (14% versus 29%; P=.001), fewer AEs of moderate or severe intensity (10% versus 19%; P=.001), and fewer AEs that caused prophylaxis to be discontinued (1.2% versus 5.0%; P=.001), compared with subjects who received melfoquine. No confirmed diagnoses of malaria occurred in either group. Atovaquone-proguanil was better tolerated than was mefloquine, and it was similarly effective for malaria prophylaxis in nonimmune travelers. FAU - Overbosch, D AU - Overbosch D AD - Harbor Hospital and Institute of Tropical Medicine, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. FAU - Schilthuis, H AU - Schilthuis H FAU - Bienzle, U AU - Bienzle U FAU - Behrens, R H AU - Behrens RH FAU - Kain, K C AU - Kain KC FAU - Clarke, P D AU - Clarke PD FAU - Toovey, S AU - Toovey S FAU - Knobloch, J AU - Knobloch J FAU - Nothdurft, H D AU - Nothdurft HD FAU - Shaw, D AU - Shaw D FAU - Roskell, N S AU - Roskell NS FAU - Chulay, J D AU - Chulay JD CN - Malarone International Study Team LA - eng PT - Clinical Trial PT - Comparative Study PT - Journal Article PT - Randomized Controlled Trial DEP - 20010905 PL - United States TA - Clin Infect Dis JT - Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America JID - 9203213 RN - 0 (Antimalarials) RN - 0 (Drug Combinations) RN - 0 (Naphthoquinones) RN - S61K3P7B2V (Proguanil) RN - TML814419R (Mefloquine) RN - Y883P1Z2LT (Atovaquone) SB - IM CIN - Clin Infect Dis. 2002 May 1;34(9):1278; author reply 1278-9. doi: 10.1086/339761. PMID: 11941558 MH - Adolescent MH - Adult MH - Aged MH - Aged, 80 and over MH - Antimalarials/administration & dosage/adverse effects/*therapeutic use MH - Atovaquone MH - Child MH - Child, Preschool MH - Double-Blind Method MH - Drug Combinations MH - Female MH - Humans MH - Malaria/immunology/*prevention & control MH - Male MH - Mefloquine/administration & dosage/adverse effects/*therapeutic use MH - Middle Aged MH - Naphthoquinones/administration & dosage/adverse effects/*therapeutic use MH - Proguanil/administration & dosage/adverse effects/*therapeutic use MH - *Travel MH - Treatment Outcome EDAT- 2001/08/31 10:00 MHDA- 2002/01/05 10:01 CRDT- 2001/08/31 10:00 PHST- 2001/01/24 00:00 [received] PHST- 2001/03/27 00:00 [revised] PHST- 2001/08/31 10:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2002/01/05 10:01 [medline] PHST- 2001/08/31 10:00 [entrez] AID - CID010125 [pii] AID - 10.1086/322694 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - Clin Infect Dis. 2001 Oct 1;33(7):1015-21. doi: 10.1086/322694. Epub 2001 Sep 5.