PMID- 12663229 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20031216 LR - 20190817 IS - 0168-8278 (Print) IS - 0168-8278 (Linking) VI - 38 IP - 4 DP - 2003 Apr TI - Peculiar HLA polymorphisms in Italian patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. PG - 401-6 AB - BACKGROUND/AIMS: Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is an autoimmune cholestatic liver disease of unknown etiology with a highly variable progression rate and prevalence among different geographical areas. Data concerning human leukocyte antigen (HLA) polymorphisms in PBC come from a limited number of geographical areas, from which the association with the HLA-DRB1*08 allele has been consistently reported. METHODS: To investigate whether HLA polymorphisms contribute toward disease susceptibility, we compared 186 well-defined Italian PBC patients with 558 healthy subjects matched by age, gender and geographical area (Northern, Central and Southern Italy). Patients and controls were HLA typed at low resolution by PCR-sequence specific oligonucleotides for the loci A and B; HLA-DRB1 alleles were typed by reverse line blot assay of PCR-amplified DNA. RESULTS: HLA-DRB1*11 was associated with a markedly reduced risk of developing PBC (OR: 0.3; 95% CI: 0.2-0.5). No association was found with HLA-DRB1*08. The B*15 (2.5; 1.3-4.6), B*41 (12.0; 2.7-72.1), B*55 (2.9; 1.1-7.5) and B*58 alleles (6.8; 1.1-46.3) were more frequent in PBC. The frequency of HLA polymorphisms was similar in PBC patients with progressive or non-progressive disease, and in those with or without anti-mitochondrial antibodies. CONCLUSIONS: Our data on a large series of Italian patients suggest that PBC may have a peculiar genetic background in the Mediterranean area. FAU - Invernizzi, Pietro AU - Invernizzi P AD - Department of Medicine, San Paolo Hospital Medical School, University of Milan, Via di Rudini; 8, 20142 Milan, Italy. FAU - Battezzati, Pier Maria AU - Battezzati PM FAU - Crosignani, Andrea AU - Crosignani A FAU - Perego, Francesca AU - Perego F FAU - Poli, Francesca AU - Poli F FAU - Morabito, Alberto AU - Morabito A FAU - De Arias, Alejandro Espadas AU - De Arias AE FAU - Scalamogna, Mario AU - Scalamogna M FAU - Zuin, Massimo AU - Zuin M FAU - Podda, Mauro AU - Podda M LA - eng PT - Journal Article PL - Netherlands TA - J Hepatol JT - Journal of hepatology JID - 8503886 RN - 0 (HLA-A Antigens) RN - 0 (HLA-B Antigens) RN - 0 (HLA-DR Antigens) RN - 0 (HLA-DRB1 Chains) SB - IM MH - Adult MH - Aged MH - Aged, 80 and over MH - Case-Control Studies MH - Female MH - Gene Frequency MH - HLA-A Antigens/genetics MH - HLA-B Antigens/genetics MH - HLA-DR Antigens/*genetics MH - HLA-DRB1 Chains MH - Humans MH - Italy MH - Male MH - Middle Aged MH - *Polymorphism, Genetic EDAT- 2003/03/29 05:00 MHDA- 2003/12/17 05:00 CRDT- 2003/03/29 05:00 PHST- 2003/03/29 05:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2003/12/17 05:00 [medline] PHST- 2003/03/29 05:00 [entrez] AID - S0168827802004403 [pii] AID - 10.1016/s0168-8278(02)00440-3 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - J Hepatol. 2003 Apr;38(4):401-6. doi: 10.1016/s0168-8278(02)00440-3.