PMID- 15246539 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20040809 LR - 20161124 IS - 0304-3940 (Print) IS - 0304-3940 (Linking) VI - 365 IP - 3 DP - 2004 Jul 29 TI - Opposite conditioned place preference responses to endomorphin-1 and endomorphin-2 in the mouse. PG - 157-61 AB - An unbiased conditioned place preference paradigm was used to evaluate the reward effect of selective endogenous mu-opioid ligands, endomorphin-1 and endomorphin-2, in male CD-1 mice. Pre- and post-conditioning free-movement were measured on day 1 and day 5, respectively. Conditioning sessions were conducted twice daily from day 2 through day 4 consisting of the alternate injection of conditioning drug or vehicle. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of endomorphin-1 (0.3-10 microg) induced place preference in a dose-dependent manner; whereas, endomorphin-2 (1-10 microg) dose-dependently induced place aversion. Both endomorphin-1-induced place preference and endomorphin-2-induced place aversion were blocked by pretreatment i.c.v. with mu-opioid receptor antagonist, beta-funaltrexamine. Selective delta-opioid receptor antagonist, naltrindole, co-administered i.c.v. with endomorphin-1 or endomorphin-2 did not affect reward effect. However, endomorphin-2-induced place aversion, but not endomorphin-1-induced place preference, was blocked by the i.c.v.-administered selective kappa-opioid receptor antagonist, WIN 44,441-3. It is concluded that endomorphin-1 produces conditioned place preference, which is mediated by the stimulation of mu-, but not delta- or kappa-opioid receptors, while endomorphin-2 produces conditioned place aversion, which is mediated by the stimulation of mu- and kappa-, but not delta-opioid receptors. FAU - Wu, Hsiang-en AU - Wu HE AD - Department of Anesthesiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Medical Education Building, M4308 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA. FAU - MacDougall, Ryan S AU - MacDougall RS FAU - Clithero, Andrew D AU - Clithero AD FAU - Leitermann, Randy J AU - Leitermann RJ FAU - Terashvili, Maia AU - Terashvili M FAU - Tseng, Leon F AU - Tseng LF LA - eng PT - Comparative Study PT - Journal Article PL - Ireland TA - Neurosci Lett JT - Neuroscience letters JID - 7600130 RN - 0 (Azocines) RN - 0 (Ligands) RN - 0 (Oligopeptides) RN - 0 (Receptors, Opioid, delta) RN - 0 (Receptors, Opioid, kappa) RN - 0 (Receptors, Opioid, mu) RN - 0 (endomorphin 1) RN - 3PH5M0466G (endomorphin 2) RN - 5S6W795CQM (Naltrexone) RN - 72782-05-9 (beta-funaltrexamine) RN - X9BMD58553 (quadazocine) SB - IM MH - Animals MH - Azocines/pharmacology MH - Conditioning, Operant/*drug effects MH - Injections, Intraventricular MH - Ligands MH - Male MH - Mice MH - Naltrexone/*analogs & derivatives/pharmacology MH - Oligopeptides/administration & dosage/metabolism/*pharmacology MH - Receptors, Opioid, delta/antagonists & inhibitors MH - Receptors, Opioid, kappa/antagonists & inhibitors MH - Receptors, Opioid, mu/antagonists & inhibitors/metabolism EDAT- 2004/07/13 05:00 MHDA- 2004/08/10 05:00 CRDT- 2004/07/13 05:00 PHST- 2003/09/05 00:00 [received] PHST- 2004/03/28 00:00 [revised] PHST- 2004/03/31 00:00 [accepted] PHST- 2004/07/13 05:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2004/08/10 05:00 [medline] PHST- 2004/07/13 05:00 [entrez] AID - S0304394004005397 [pii] AID - 10.1016/j.neulet.2004.03.093 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - Neurosci Lett. 2004 Jul 29;365(3):157-61. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2004.03.093.