PMID- 18487830 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20080930 LR - 20080519 IS - 0926-9630 (Print) IS - 0926-9630 (Linking) VI - 136 DP - 2008 TI - Mining for adverse drug events with formal concept analysis. PG - 803-8 AB - The pharmacovigilance databases consist of several case reports involving drugs and adverse events (AEs). Some methods are applied consistently to highlight all signals, i.e. all statistically significant associations between a drug and an AE. These methods are appropriate for verification of more complex relationships involving one or several drug(s) and AE(s) (e.g; syndromes or interactions) but do not address the identification of them. We propose a method for the extraction of these relationships based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) associated with disproportionality measures. This method identifies all sets of drugs and AEs which are potential signals, syndromes or interactions. Compared to a previous experience of disproportionality analysis without FCA, the addition of FCA was more efficient for identifying false positives related to concomitant drugs. FAU - Estacio-Moreno, Alexander AU - Estacio-Moreno A AD - LORIA, Campus Scientifique, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre, Nancy Cedex, France. FAU - Toussaint, Yannick AU - Toussaint Y FAU - Bousquet, Cedric AU - Bousquet C LA - eng PT - Journal Article PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't PL - Netherlands TA - Stud Health Technol Inform JT - Studies in health technology and informatics JID - 9214582 MH - *Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Systems MH - Algorithms MH - Artificial Intelligence MH - Drug Interactions MH - Humans MH - *Information Storage and Retrieval MH - Product Surveillance, Postmarketing EDAT- 2008/05/20 09:00 MHDA- 2008/10/01 09:00 CRDT- 2008/05/20 09:00 PHST- 2008/05/20 09:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2008/10/01 09:00 [medline] PHST- 2008/05/20 09:00 [entrez] PST - ppublish SO - Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008;136:803-8.