PMID- 19331145 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20090416 LR - 20191210 IS - 0250-7005 (Print) IS - 0250-7005 (Linking) VI - 29 IP - 1 DP - 2009 Jan TI - Expression of 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1-alpha-hydroxylase, and vitamin D receptor mRNA in normal and malignant breast tissue. PG - 155-7 AB - Vitamin D has anti-proliferative and proapoptotic effects on several cell types, including breast cancer cells. There have been no studies quantifying the expression of the enzyme 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1-alpha-hydroxylase (1alphaOHase), which converts 25-hydroxyvitamin D to its active metabolite, in breast tissue. We performed real-time RT-PCR to quantity 1alphaOHase and vitamin D receptor (VDR) mRNA in samples of breast cancer, adjacent non-cancerous tissue and normal breast tissue. 1alphaOHase and VDR mRNA were universally expressed, however, 1alphaOHase expression was significantly down-regulated in adjacent non-cancerous tissue from women with breast cancer in comparison to individuals without cancer. VDR was also up-regulated in breast tumours. The vitamin D axis expression in the breast suggests a role for its actions in normal tissue homeostasis and breast cancer pathogenesis. The decreased expression of 1alphaOHase in normal tissue from women with breast cancer may be important in their predisposition to the development of cancer. FAU - McCarthy, Kathryn AU - McCarthy K AD - Section of Endocrine Oncology, Department of Endocrinology, Barts and The London, Queen Mary School of Medicine, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London EC1A 6BT, UK. FAU - Laban, Christiana AU - Laban C FAU - Bustin, Stephen A AU - Bustin SA FAU - Ogunkolade, William AU - Ogunkolade W FAU - Khalaf, Sahira AU - Khalaf S FAU - Carpenter, Rob AU - Carpenter R FAU - Jenkins, Paul J AU - Jenkins PJ LA - eng PT - Journal Article PL - Greece TA - Anticancer Res JT - Anticancer research JID - 8102988 RN - 0 (RNA, Messenger) RN - 0 (Receptors, Calcitriol) RN - EC (25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1-alpha-Hydroxylase) SB - IM EIN - Anticancer Res. 2009 Oct;29(10):4315 MH - 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1-alpha-Hydroxylase/*biosynthesis/genetics MH - Breast/metabolism MH - Breast Neoplasms/enzymology/genetics/*metabolism MH - Female MH - Genetic Predisposition to Disease MH - Humans MH - RNA, Messenger/biosynthesis/genetics MH - Receptors, Calcitriol/*biosynthesis/genetics EDAT- 2009/04/01 09:00 MHDA- 2009/04/17 09:00 CRDT- 2009/04/01 09:00 PHST- 2009/04/01 09:00 [entrez] PHST- 2009/04/01 09:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2009/04/17 09:00 [medline] PST - ppublish SO - Anticancer Res. 2009 Jan;29(1):155-7.