PMID- 21601001 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20111219 LR - 20110829 IS - 1531-4332 (Electronic) IS - 1095-6433 (Linking) VI - 160 IP - 3 DP - 2011 Nov TI - The interactive effects of a gradual temperature decrease and long-term food deprivation on cardiac and hepatic blood flows in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). PG - 311-9 LID - 10.1016/j.cbpa.2011.04.020 [doi] AB - The aim of the present study was to determine the extent to which the fish liver is perfused with blood. Transonic(R) flow probes were therefore implanted around the ventral aorta and hepatic vein(s) to record baseline blood flows in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) previously held under two different feeding regimes (food-deprived or fed to satiation, 8-12 weeks). Fish from both groups were exposed to a gradual temperature decrease (12 degrees C to 5 degrees C) and physical disturbance. Cardiac output (Q), stroke volume (Sv) and hepatic venous blood flow (HVBF) were significantly reduced in food-deprived trout at 12 degrees C. Heart rate was not significantly affected by nutritional status, but was significantly reduced when temperature was decreased to 5 degrees C. Physically disturbing each fish at 12 degrees C and 5 degrees C showed that the performance capacity of the heart was not affected by food deprivation as the capacity to increase Q and Sv was not reduced in the food-deprived group. Overall this study showed that food deprivation in rainbow trout reduced cardiac and hepatic blood flows. However, long-term food deprivation did not affect the capacity of the heart to acutely increase performance. CI - Copyright (c) 2011. Published by Elsevier Inc. FAU - Petersen, L H AU - Petersen LH AD - University of North Texas, Department of Biology, Institute of Applied Science, Denton, TX 76203, USA. FAU - Dzialowski, E AU - Dzialowski E FAU - Huggett, D B AU - Huggett DB LA - eng PT - Journal Article PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't DEP - 20110511 PL - United States TA - Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol JT - Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology JID - 9806096 SB - IM MH - Animals MH - Cardiac Output/physiology MH - Food Deprivation/*physiology MH - Heart/*physiology MH - Heart Rate/physiology MH - Hemodynamics/physiology MH - Hepatic Veins MH - Liver/*blood supply MH - Oncorhynchus mykiss/*physiology MH - Regional Blood Flow/physiology MH - Stroke Volume/physiology MH - *Temperature EDAT- 2011/05/24 06:00 MHDA- 2011/12/20 06:00 CRDT- 2011/05/24 06:00 PHST- 2010/12/21 00:00 [received] PHST- 2011/04/29 00:00 [revised] PHST- 2011/04/29 00:00 [accepted] PHST- 2011/05/24 06:00 [entrez] PHST- 2011/05/24 06:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2011/12/20 06:00 [medline] AID - S1095-6433(11)00130-9 [pii] AID - 10.1016/j.cbpa.2011.04.020 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2011 Nov;160(3):311-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2011.04.020. Epub 2011 May 11.