PMID- 23295928 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20130730 LR - 20231213 IS - 1098-6596 (Electronic) IS - 0066-4804 (Print) IS - 0066-4804 (Linking) VI - 57 IP - 3 DP - 2013 Mar TI - Single- and multiple-dose study to determine the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of ceftaroline fosamil in combination with avibactam in healthy subjects. PG - 1496-504 LID - 10.1128/AAC.02134-12 [doi] AB - This study was conducted to determine the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of intravenous doses of ceftaroline fosamil administered in combination with the novel non-beta-lactam beta-lactamase inhibitor avibactam in healthy adults. In the single-dose, open-label arm, 12 subjects received single 1-h intravenous infusions of ceftaroline fosamil alone (600 mg), avibactam alone (600 mg), and ceftaroline fosamil in combination with avibactam (600/600 mg) separated by 5-day washout periods. In the multiple-dose, placebo-controlled, double-blind arm, 48 subjects received intravenous infusions of ceftaroline fosamil/avibactam at 600/600 mg every 12 h (q12h), 400/400 mg q8h, 900/900 mg q12h, 600/600 mg q8h, or placebo for 10 days. Ceftaroline and avibactam levels in plasma and urine were measured by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. No significant differences in systemic exposure of ceftaroline or avibactam were observed when the drugs were administered alone versus concomitantly, indicating that there was no apparent pharmacokinetic interaction between ceftaroline fosamil and avibactam administered as a single dose. No appreciable accumulation of either drug occurred with multiple intravenous doses of ceftaroline fosamil/avibactam, and pharmacokinetic parameters for ceftaroline and avibactam were similar on days 1 and 10. Infusions of ceftaroline fosamil/avibactam were well tolerated at total daily doses of up to 1,800 mg of each compound, and all adverse events (AEs) were mild to moderate in severity. Infusion-site reactions were the most common AEs reported with multiple dosing. The pharmacokinetic and safety profiles of ceftaroline fosamil/avibactam demonstrate that the 2 drugs can be administered concomitantly to provide an important broad-spectrum antimicrobial treatment option. FAU - Riccobene, Todd A AU - Riccobene TA AD - Forest Research Institute, Inc., Jersey City, NJ, USA. FAU - Su, Sheng Fang AU - Su SF FAU - Rank, Douglas AU - Rank D LA - eng PT - Clinical Trial PT - Journal Article PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't DEP - 20130107 PL - United States TA - Antimicrob Agents Chemother JT - Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy JID - 0315061 RN - 0 (Anti-Bacterial Agents) RN - 0 (Azabicyclo Compounds) RN - 0 (Cephalosporins) RN - 0 (Drug Combinations) RN - 0 (Placebos) RN - 7352665165 (avibactam) SB - IM MH - Adult MH - Anti-Bacterial Agents/blood/*pharmacokinetics/urine MH - Azabicyclo Compounds/blood/*pharmacokinetics/urine MH - Cephalosporins/blood/*pharmacokinetics/urine MH - Chromatography, Liquid MH - Double-Blind Method MH - Drug Administration Schedule MH - Drug Combinations MH - Female MH - Humans MH - Injections, Intravenous MH - Male MH - Middle Aged MH - Placebos MH - Tandem Mass Spectrometry MH - Ceftaroline PMC - PMC3591900 EDAT- 2013/01/09 06:00 MHDA- 2013/07/31 06:00 PMCR- 2013/09/01 CRDT- 2013/01/09 06:00 PHST- 2013/01/09 06:00 [entrez] PHST- 2013/01/09 06:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2013/07/31 06:00 [medline] PHST- 2013/09/01 00:00 [pmc-release] AID - AAC.02134-12 [pii] AID - 02134-12 [pii] AID - 10.1128/AAC.02134-12 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Mar;57(3):1496-504. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02134-12. Epub 2013 Jan 7.