PMID- 23760503 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20131021 LR - 20211021 IS - 1083-351X (Electronic) IS - 0021-9258 (Print) IS - 0021-9258 (Linking) VI - 288 IP - 31 DP - 2013 Aug 2 TI - Analysis of the structural and molecular basis of voltage-sensitive sodium channel inhibition by the spider toxin huwentoxin-IV (mu-TRTX-Hh2a). PG - 22707-20 LID - 10.1074/jbc.M113.461392 [doi] AB - Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) are essential to the normal function of the vertebrate nervous system. Aberrant function of VGSCs underlies a variety of disorders, including epilepsy, arrhythmia, and pain. A large number of animal toxins target these ion channels and may have significant therapeutic potential. Most of these toxins, however, have not been characterized in detail. Here, by combining patch clamp electrophysiology and radioligand binding studies with peptide mutagenesis, NMR structure determination, and molecular modeling, we have revealed key molecular determinants of the interaction between the tarantula toxin huwentoxin-IV and two VGSC isoforms, Nav1.7 and Nav1.2. Nine huwentoxin-IV residues (F6A, P11A, D14A, L22A, S25A, W30A, K32A, Y33A, and I35A) were important for block of Nav1.7 and Nav1.2. Importantly, molecular dynamics simulations and NMR studies indicated that folding was normal for several key mutants, suggesting that these amino acids probably make specific interactions with sodium channel residues. Additionally, we identified several amino acids (F6A, K18A, R26A, and K27A) that are involved in isoform-specific VGSC interactions. Our structural and functional data were used to model the docking of huwentoxin-IV into the domain II voltage sensor of Nav1.7. The model predicts that a hydrophobic patch composed of Trp-30 and Phe-6, along with the basic Lys-32 residue, docks into a groove formed by the Nav1.7 S1-S2 and S3-S4 loops. These results provide new insight into the structural and molecular basis of sodium channel block by huwentoxin-IV and may provide a basis for the rational design of toxin-based peptides with improved VGSC potency and/or selectivity. FAU - Minassian, Natali A AU - Minassian NA AD - Department of Neuroscience Discovery, Janssen Research & Development, LLC, San Diego, California 92121, USA. FAU - Gibbs, Alan AU - Gibbs A FAU - Shih, Amy Y AU - Shih AY FAU - Liu, Yi AU - Liu Y FAU - Neff, Robert A AU - Neff RA FAU - Sutton, Steven W AU - Sutton SW FAU - Mirzadegan, Tara AU - Mirzadegan T FAU - Connor, Judith AU - Connor J FAU - Fellows, Ross AU - Fellows R FAU - Husovsky, Matthew AU - Husovsky M FAU - Nelson, Serena AU - Nelson S FAU - Hunter, Michael J AU - Hunter MJ FAU - Flinspach, Mack AU - Flinspach M FAU - Wickenden, Alan D AU - Wickenden AD LA - eng SI - PDB/2M4X SI - PDB/2M4Z SI - PDB/2M50 PT - Journal Article DEP - 20130612 PL - United States TA - J Biol Chem JT - The Journal of biological chemistry JID - 2985121R RN - 0 (Sodium Channel Blockers) RN - 0 (Spider Venoms) RN - 0 (huwentoxin IV, Selenocosmia huwena) SB - IM MH - Amino Acid Sequence MH - HEK293 Cells MH - Humans MH - *Ion Channel Gating MH - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy MH - Molecular Dynamics Simulation MH - Molecular Sequence Data MH - Radioligand Assay MH - Sequence Homology, Amino Acid MH - Sodium Channel Blockers/*pharmacology MH - Spider Venoms/*chemistry/pharmacology MH - Structure-Activity Relationship PMC - PMC3829356 OTO - NOTNLM OT - Electrophysiology OT - Ion Channels OT - Sodium Channels OT - Structural Biology OT - Toxins EDAT- 2013/06/14 06:00 MHDA- 2013/10/22 06:00 PMCR- 2014/08/02 CRDT- 2013/06/14 06:00 PHST- 2013/06/14 06:00 [entrez] PHST- 2013/06/14 06:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2013/10/22 06:00 [medline] PHST- 2014/08/02 00:00 [pmc-release] AID - S0021-9258(20)45432-8 [pii] AID - M113.461392 [pii] AID - 10.1074/jbc.M113.461392 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - J Biol Chem. 2013 Aug 2;288(31):22707-20. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.461392. Epub 2013 Jun 12.