PMID- 24605917 OWN - NLM STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE DCOM- 20141121 LR - 20140403 IS - 1520-5207 (Electronic) IS - 1520-5207 (Linking) VI - 118 IP - 13 DP - 2014 Apr 3 TI - Short range structural models of the glass transition temperatures and densities of 0.5Na2S + 0.5[xGeS2 + (1 - x)PS5/2] mixed glass former glasses. PG - 3710-9 LID - 10.1021/jp411942t [doi] AB - The 0.5Na2S + 0.5[xGeS2 + (1 - x)PS5/2] mixed glass former (MGF) glass system exhibits a nonlinear and nonadditive negative change in the Na(+) ion conductivity as one glass former, PS5/2, is exchanged for the other, GeS2. This behavior, known as the mixed glass former effect (MGFE), is also manifest in a negative deviation from the linear interpolation of the glass transition temperatures (T(g)) of the binary end-member glasses, x = 0 and x = 1. Interestingly, the composition dependence of the densities of these ternary MGF glasses reveals a slightly positive MGFE deviation from a linear interpolation of the densities of the binary end-member glasses, x = 0 and x = 1. From our previous studies of the structures of these glasses using IR, Raman, and NMR spectroscopies, we find that a disproportionation reaction occurs between PS7/2(4-) and GeS3(2-) units into PS4(3-) and GeS5/2(1-) units. This disproportionation combined with the formation of Ge4S10(4-) anions from GeS5/2(1-) groups leads to the negative MGFE in T(g). A best-fit model of the T(g)s of these glasses was developed to quantify the amount of GeS5/2(1-) units that form Ge4S10(4-) molecular anions in the ternary glasses ( approximately 5-10%). This refined structural model was used to develop a short-range structural model of the molar volumes, which shows that the slight densification of the ternary glasses is due to the improved packing efficiency of the germanium sulfide species. FAU - Bischoff, Christian AU - Bischoff C AD - Department of Materials Science and Engineering Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011, United States. FAU - Schuller, Katherine AU - Schuller K FAU - Martin, Steve W AU - Martin SW LA - eng PT - Journal Article DEP - 20140325 PL - United States TA - J Phys Chem B JT - The journal of physical chemistry. B JID - 101157530 EDAT- 2014/03/13 06:00 MHDA- 2014/03/13 06:01 CRDT- 2014/03/11 06:00 PHST- 2014/03/11 06:00 [entrez] PHST- 2014/03/13 06:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2014/03/13 06:01 [medline] AID - 10.1021/jp411942t [doi] PST - ppublish SO - J Phys Chem B. 2014 Apr 3;118(13):3710-9. doi: 10.1021/jp411942t. Epub 2014 Mar 25.