PMID- 27932758 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20171128 LR - 20181202 IS - 1672-7347 (Print) IS - 1672-7347 (Linking) VI - 41 IP - 11 DP - 2016 Nov 28 TI - [Expressions of HER2 and Topo IIalpha in breast cancer and 
its clinical significance]. PG - 1143-1147 AB - To detect the expressions of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and Topo IIalpha in breast cancer, and to analyze the clinical significance of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for the anthracycline-based drugs.
 Methods: The HER2 and Topo IIalpha gene and protein expressions in cancer tissues from 189 patients with breast cancer were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). And the objective response rate (ORR) and pathological complete rate (pCR) were analyzed.
 Results: The HER2 protein expression in 46 patients (24.3%) and Topo IIalpha protein expression in 55 patients (29.1%) was 3+ by IHC or they were 49 (25.9%) and 94 (49.0%) by FISH, respectively. The ORR and pCR in HER2 negative or positive patients were 47.4% and 20.3% or 32.7% and 16.3%, respectively, with significant differences (All P<0.05). The ORR and pCR in Topo IIalpha positive or negative patients were 69.1% and 36.0% or 28.4% and 2.2%, respectively, with significant differences (All P<0.05).
 Conclusion: FISH and IHC were consistent in the determination of HER2 expression whereas they were inconsistent in the determination of Topo IIalpha expression. The amplification of Topo IIalpha can effectively improve the effect of the adjuvant treatment effect of the anthracyclines. FAU - Shuai, Ping AU - Shuai P AD - Department of Pathology, Gannan Medical College, Ganzhou Jiangxi 341000, China LA - chi PT - Journal Article PL - China TA - Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban JT - Zhong nan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Central South University. Medical sciences JID - 101230586 RN - 0 (Anthracyclines) RN - 0 (Antibiotics, Antineoplastic) RN - EC (ERBB2 protein, human) RN - EC (Receptor, ErbB-2) RN - EC (DNA Topoisomerases, Type II) SB - IM MH - Anthracyclines/*pharmacology/therapeutic use MH - Antibiotics, Antineoplastic MH - Breast Neoplasms/*chemistry/*genetics/*therapy MH - DNA Topoisomerases, Type II/*physiology MH - Female MH - Humans MH - Immunohistochemistry MH - In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence MH - Neoadjuvant Therapy MH - Receptor, ErbB-2/*physiology MH - Treatment Outcome EDAT- 2016/12/10 06:00 MHDA- 2017/11/29 06:00 CRDT- 2016/12/10 06:00 PHST- 2016/12/10 06:00 [entrez] PHST- 2016/12/10 06:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2017/11/29 06:00 [medline] AID - 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2016.11.005 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban. 2016 Nov 28;41(11):1143-1147. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2016.11.005.