PMID- 29725390 OWN - NLM STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE LR - 20200930 IS - 1792-0981 (Print) IS - 1792-1015 (Electronic) IS - 1792-0981 (Linking) VI - 15 IP - 5 DP - 2018 May TI - Effect of gastric bypass combined with ileal transportation on type 2 diabetes mellitus. PG - 4571-4577 LID - 10.3892/etm.2018.5928 [doi] AB - Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic progressive disease, which manifests as an endocrine disorder. Among the different methods of surgery available to treat patients with T2DM, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) and ileal transposition (IT) are the most commonly performed. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of RYGBP combined with IT on rats with T2DM. A total of 8 healthy male rats were used as a control group and 40 GK rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: A diabetes mellitus (DM) group, a sham operative group (SO), a RYGBP group, an IT group and a RYGBP+IT group. The results demonstrated that fasting blood glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol and gastric inhibitory polypeptide levels in all treatment groups were significantly lower than those of the SO and DM groups. Furthermore, levels TC and TG in the RYGBP+IT group were significantly lower than in the RYGBP and IT groups. Levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase mRNA and IRS-2 protein in all treatment groups were also significantly lower than those of the SO group; and they were significantly lower in the RYGBP+IT group compared with the RYGBP and IT groups. The expression of phosphorylated Akt in the treatment groups was significantly higher than the SO group and was significantly higher in the RYGBP+IT group compared with the RYGBP and IT groups. These results indicate that RYGBP and IT surgical treatment can induce T2DM remission by mediating the expression of insulin-related factors to reverse insulin resistance. The current study also indicated that the effect of RYGBP combined with IT may be developed as a novel first-line method of treating T2DM. FAU - Gao, Zhaoxia AU - Gao Z AD - Department of General Surgery, The Fifth Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan, Hubei 430050, P.R. China. FAU - Wang, Bin AU - Wang B AD - Department of Ear-Nose-Throat, The Fifth Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan, Hubei 430050, P.R. China. FAU - Gong, Xiaojun AU - Gong X AD - Department of General Surgery, The Fifth Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan, Hubei 430050, P.R. China. FAU - Yao, Chun AU - Yao C AD - Department of Endocrinology, The Fifth Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan, Hubei 430050, P.R. China. FAU - Ren, Defa AU - Ren D AD - Department of General Surgery, The Fifth Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan, Hubei 430050, P.R. China. FAU - Shao, Liwei AU - Shao L AD - Department of General Surgery, The Fifth Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan, Hubei 430050, P.R. China. FAU - Pang, Yan AU - Pang Y AD - Department of Clinical Laboratory, The Fifth Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan, Hubei 430050, P.R. China. FAU - Liu, Jinxiu AU - Liu J AD - Department of General Surgery, The Fifth Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan, Hubei 430050, P.R. China. LA - eng PT - Journal Article DEP - 20180306 PL - Greece TA - Exp Ther Med JT - Experimental and therapeutic medicine JID - 101531947 PMC - PMC5920358 OTO - NOTNLM OT - gastric bypass OT - ileal transportation OT - insulin resistance OT - type 2 diabetes EDAT- 2018/05/05 06:00 MHDA- 2018/05/05 06:01 PMCR- 2018/03/06 CRDT- 2018/05/05 06:00 PHST- 2017/04/08 00:00 [received] PHST- 2017/12/08 00:00 [accepted] PHST- 2018/05/05 06:00 [entrez] PHST- 2018/05/05 06:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2018/05/05 06:01 [medline] PHST- 2018/03/06 00:00 [pmc-release] AID - ETM-0-0-5928 [pii] AID - 10.3892/etm.2018.5928 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - Exp Ther Med. 2018 May;15(5):4571-4577. doi: 10.3892/etm.2018.5928. Epub 2018 Mar 6.