PMID- 31667161 OWN - NLM STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE LR - 20220411 IS - 2231-0614 (Print) IS - 2231-0614 (Electronic) IS - 2231-0614 (Linking) VI - 4 IP - 26 DP - 2014 Sep TI - Ethnic Differences in Insulin Resistance, Adiponectin Levels and Abdominal Obesity: Haitian Americans and African Americans, with and without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. PG - 4455-4469 LID - 10.9734/bjmmr/2014/10333 [doi] AB - BACKGROUND: Metabolic outcomes of obesity and its associated disorders may not be equivalent across ethnicity and diabetes status. AIM: In this paper, we examined the association of abdominal obesity, by ethnicity and diabetes status, for indicators of glucose metabolism in Blacks. METHODS: A cross sectional study was conducted in Haitian Americans (n= 186) and African Americans (n= 148) with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Student's t-test and Chi-squared test were used to assess differences in mean and proportion values between ethnicities with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus. Relationship between insulin resistance, ethnicity, diabetes status, abdominal obesity, and adiponectin levels were analyzed by analysis of covariance while controlling for confounding variables. RESULTS: Haitian American participants were older (P = .032), had higher fasting plasma glucose (P = .036), and A1C (P = .016), but had lower levels of Hs-CRP (P < .001), insulin and HOMA2-IR and lower abdominal obesity (P = .030), than African Americans. Haitian Americans had significantly lower HOMA2-IR (P = .008) than African Americans when comparing both ethnicities with T2DM, high abdominal obesity, and adiponectin levels lower than the median (<14.75 ng/mL). CONCLUSION: The clinical significance of observed differences in insulin resistance, abdominal obesity, and adiponectin levels between Haitian Americans and African Americans could assist in forming public health policies that are ethnic specific. FAU - Cheema, Amanpreet K AU - Cheema AK AD - Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Robert Stempel College of Public Health, Florida, International University, Miami, USA. FAU - Zarini, Gustavo G AU - Zarini GG AD - Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Robert Stempel College of Public Health, Florida, International University, Miami, USA. FAU - Exebio, Joel AU - Exebio J AD - Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Robert Stempel College of Public Health, Florida, International University, Miami, USA. FAU - Ajabshir, Sahar AU - Ajabshir S AD - Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Robert Stempel College of Public Health, Florida, International University, Miami, USA. FAU - Shaban, Lemia AU - Shaban L AD - Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College for Life Sciences, Kuwait University, Kuwait City, Kuwait. FAU - Antwi, Janet AU - Antwi J AD - Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Robert Stempel College of Public Health, Florida, International University, Miami, USA. FAU - Vaccaro, Joan A AU - Vaccaro JA AD - Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Robert Stempel College of Public Health, Florida, International University, Miami, USA. FAU - Huffman, Fatma G AU - Huffman FG AD - Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Robert Stempel College of Public Health, Florida, International University, Miami, USA. LA - eng GR - SC1 DK083060/DK/NIDDK NIH HHS/United States PT - Journal Article DEP - 20140616 PL - India TA - Br J Med Med Res JT - British journal of medicine and medical research JID - 101570965 PMC - PMC6820514 MID - NIHMS1048171 OTO - NOTNLM OT - A1C OT - African Americans OT - HOMA2-IR OT - Haitian Americans OT - Hs-CRP OT - Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus OT - adiponectin OT - insulin resistance EDAT- 2014/09/01 00:00 MHDA- 2014/09/01 00:01 PMCR- 2019/10/30 CRDT- 2019/11/01 06:00 PHST- 2019/11/01 06:00 [entrez] PHST- 2014/09/01 00:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2014/09/01 00:01 [medline] PHST- 2019/10/30 00:00 [pmc-release] AID - 10.9734/bjmmr/2014/10333 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - Br J Med Med Res. 2014 Sep;4(26):4455-4469. doi: 10.9734/bjmmr/2014/10333. Epub 2014 Jun 16.