PMID- 35781013 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20220816 LR - 20221006 IS - 1879-0089 (Electronic) IS - 0145-305X (Linking) VI - 135 DP - 2022 Oct TI - Characterization and functional analysis of a myeloid differentiation factor 88 in Ostrinia furnacalis Guenee larvae infected by Bacillus thuringiensis. PG - 104489 LID - S0145-305X(22)00151-3 [pii] LID - 10.1016/j.dci.2022.104489 [doi] AB - Myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) is a pivotal adapter protein involved in activating nuclear factor NF-kappaB of the Toll pathway in insect innate immunity. MyD88 has been extensively studied in vertebrates and Drosophila. However, the information ascribed to MyD88 in Lepidoptera is scarce. In the present study, an Ostrinia furnacalis MyD88 (OfMyD88) cDNA was cloned and functionally characterized (GenBank accession no. MN906311). The complete cDNA sequence of OfMyD88 is 804 bp, and contains a 630 bp open reading frame encoding 209 amino acid residues. OfMyD88 has the death domain (DD), an intermediate domain, and the Toll/interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain. OfMyD88 was widely expressed in immune-related tissues such as hemocytes, fat body, midgut, and integument, with the highest expression level in hemocytes, and the lowest expression level in integument. To clarify the immune function of MyD88, O. furnacalis larvae were challenged with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) through feeding. Bt oral infection had significantly up-regulated the expression of OfMyD88 and immune genes, including PPO2 (prophenoloxidase 2), Attacin, Gloverin, Cecropin, Moricin, GRP3 (beta-1, 3-Glucan recognition protein 3), and Lysozyme, and increased the activities of PO and lysozyme in hemolymph of O. furnacalis larvae. Knockdown of OfMyD88 by RNA interference suppressed the expression levels of immune related genes, but not PPO2 in the larvae orally infected with Bt, suggesting that OfMyD88 is involved in defending against Bt invasion through the Toll signaling pathway, but does not affect the PPO expression in O. furnacalis larvae. CI - Copyright (c) 2022. Published by Elsevier Ltd. FAU - Alradi, Mohamed F AU - Alradi MF AD - Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China; Department of Medical Entomology, College of Public and Environmental Health, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Khartoum State, 13314, Sudan. FAU - Lu, Shiqi AU - Lu S AD - Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China. FAU - Wang, Libao AU - Wang L AD - Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China. FAU - Han, Zhaoyang AU - Han Z AD - Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China. FAU - Elradi, Sana A AU - Elradi SA AD - Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Khartoum State, 13314, Sudan. FAU - Khogali, Mawahib K AU - Khogali MK AD - College of Animal Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China; Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Animal Production, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Khartoum State, 13314, Sudan. FAU - Liu, Xu AU - Liu X AD - Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China. FAU - Wei, Xiangyi AU - Wei X AD - Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China. FAU - Chen, Kangkang AU - Chen K AD - Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China. FAU - Li, Shuzhong AU - Li S AD - Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China. FAU - Feng, Congjing AU - Feng C AD - Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China. Electronic address: LA - eng PT - Journal Article PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't DEP - 20220701 PL - United States TA - Dev Comp Immunol JT - Developmental and comparative immunology JID - 7708205 RN - 0 (DNA, Complementary) RN - 0 (Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88) RN - EC (Muramidase) SB - IM MH - Amino Acid Sequence MH - Animals MH - *Bacillus thuringiensis/genetics MH - DNA, Complementary/genetics MH - Larva MH - *Moths MH - Muramidase/metabolism MH - Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88/genetics/metabolism OTO - NOTNLM OT - Antimicrobial peptides OT - Lysozyme OT - MyD88 OT - Ostrinia furnacalis OT - Phenoloxidase OT - Toll pathway EDAT- 2022/07/06 06:00 MHDA- 2022/08/17 06:00 CRDT- 2022/07/05 08:46 PHST- 2022/03/10 00:00 [received] PHST- 2022/06/23 00:00 [revised] PHST- 2022/06/25 00:00 [accepted] PHST- 2022/07/06 06:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2022/08/17 06:00 [medline] PHST- 2022/07/05 08:46 [entrez] AID - S0145-305X(22)00151-3 [pii] AID - 10.1016/j.dci.2022.104489 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - Dev Comp Immunol. 2022 Oct;135:104489. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2022.104489. Epub 2022 Jul 1.