PMID- 36330105 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20221108 LR - 20230126 IS - 2296-2565 (Electronic) IS - 2296-2565 (Linking) VI - 10 DP - 2022 TI - Cost-effectiveness of insulin degludec/insulin aspart versus biphasic insulin aspart in Chinese population with type 2 diabetes. PG - 1016937 LID - 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1016937 [doi] LID - 1016937 AB - OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the long-term cost effectiveness of insulin degludec/insulin aspart (IDegAsp) vs. biphasic insulin aspart 30 (BIAsp 30) for the treatment of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) inadequately managed on basal insulin in China. METHODS: The CORE (the Center for Outcomes Research) Diabetes Model, which has been published and verified, was used to simulate disease progression and calculate the total direct medical costs, life years (LYs) and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) over 30 years, from the perspective of Chinese healthcare system. The patient demographic information and clinical data needed for the model were gathered from a phase III treat-to-target clinical trial (NCT02762578) and other Chinese cohort studies. Medical costs on treating diabetes were calculated based on clinical trial and local sources. The diabetes management and complications costs were derived from published literature. A discounting rate of 5% was applied to both health and cost outcomes. And one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were carried out to test the reliability of the results. RESULTS: Compared with BIAsp 30, treatment with IDegAsp was associated with an incremental benefit of 0.001 LYs (12.439 vs. 12.438) and 0.280 QALYs (9.522 vs. 9.242) over a 30-year time horizon, and increased CNY (Chinese Yuan) 3,888 (390,152 vs. 386,264) for total costs. IDegAsp was cost-effective vs. BIAsp 30 therapy with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of CNY 13,886 per QALY gained. Results were robust across a range of sensitivity analyses. CONCLUSION: Compared with BIAsp 30, IDegAsp was a cost-effective treatment option for people with T2DM with inadequate glycemic management on basal insulin in China. CI - Copyright (c) 2022 Luo, Zhou, Zhou and Hu. FAU - Luo, Qiong AU - Luo Q AD - West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. FAU - Zhou, Li AU - Zhou L AD - West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. FAU - Zhou, Naitong AU - Zhou N AD - West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. FAU - Hu, Ming AU - Hu M AD - West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. LA - eng SI - PT - Journal Article PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't DEP - 20221018 PL - Switzerland TA - Front Public Health JT - Frontiers in public health JID - 101616579 RN - 0 (Biphasic Insulins) RN - 0 (Glycated Hemoglobin A) RN - 0 (Hypoglycemic Agents) RN - D933668QVX (Insulin Aspart) RN - 54Q18076QB (insulin degludec) SB - IM MH - Humans MH - *Biphasic Insulins/therapeutic use MH - Cost-Benefit Analysis MH - *Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/drug therapy MH - Glycated Hemoglobin/analysis/therapeutic use MH - Hypoglycemic Agents/therapeutic use MH - Insulin Aspart/therapeutic use MH - Reproducibility of Results MH - Clinical Trials, Phase III as Topic PMC - PMC9623119 OTO - NOTNLM OT - Biphasic insulin aspart 30 OT - China OT - cost-effectiveness analysis OT - insulin degludec/insulin aspart OT - type 2 diabetes mellitus COIS- The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. EDAT- 2022/11/05 06:00 MHDA- 2022/11/08 06:00 PMCR- 2022/10/18 CRDT- 2022/11/04 02:27 PHST- 2022/08/11 00:00 [received] PHST- 2022/10/03 00:00 [accepted] PHST- 2022/11/04 02:27 [entrez] PHST- 2022/11/05 06:00 [pubmed] PHST- 2022/11/08 06:00 [medline] PHST- 2022/10/18 00:00 [pmc-release] AID - 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1016937 [doi] PST - epublish SO - Front Public Health. 2022 Oct 18;10:1016937. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1016937. eCollection 2022.